Ultra-Plus Prong Training Dog Collar by Herm Springer - Misa Leigh Blog

March 16, 2018

Ultra-Plus Prong Training Dog Collar by Herm Springer



I was iffy about this at first after seeing all the backlash people would get for using them saying they were cruel, etc.
I bought this collar after a recommendation by my dog's obedience trainer and after borrowing one during training and seeing the difference it made in my dog.
I went from being pulled around getting a workout just trying to keep him from yanking me all over the place, to feeling like he wasn't even attached to the leash because he immediately stopped pulling.
My dog has a very short attention span and gets easily distracted. This collar is perfect for leash pullers and rambunctious dogs alike. I can't walk my dog without it anymore.
My dog has never yelped or acted like he was in pain and everyone I've talked to about it has said the same thing--people who think this collar hurts dogs have just never used one before.
My only complaint is that it does not have a clip or easy way to put on and take off. The one I used in his obedience class had a hook and clasp like a leash. This one, you actually have to unhook one of the prongs from another and it's a bit difficult. Especially if your dog won't sit still.
Other than that, this is the best collar money can buy if you are having trouble walking your dog.

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